Whenever I find a competition that includes a YA category, I feel really good that YA is getting some of the recognition it deserves. Mslexia Publications, LTD, is once again offering its novel competition for unpublished women writers, and they include a Young Adult category. The deadline is September 21 to submit the first 5000 words of a completed novel in any genre.
Mslexia states that: The competition first prize is a rather marvellous £5,000, plus we have The Literary Consultancy on hand to offer four other finalists free manuscript feedback. And did we mention all shortlisted authors will be invited to meet literary agents at a special networking event in London? Being placed in the competition really is a unique opportunity to get your work out of the slush pile and into the hands of influential industry insiders.
Mslexia is a UK organization dedicated to the advancement of women writers. You can learn more about them at their website at Mslexia
For contest rules, click here
You may enter as many novels as you wish, although each comes with a fee of $25 pounds. So polish up those novel manuscripts and get them submitted!